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To create a web server you will need to instantiate a Wobe object.

import { Wobe } from 'wobe'

const wobe = new Wobe()



The Wobe constructor can have some options:

  • hostname: The hostname where the server will be listening.
  • onError: A function that will be called when an error occurs.
  • onNotFound: A function that will be called when a route is not found.
  • tls: An object with the key, the cert and the passphrase if exist to enable HTTPS.
import { Wobe } from 'wobe'

const wobe = new Wobe({
	hostname: 'hostname',
	onError: (error) => console.error(error),
	onNotFound: (request) => console.error(`${request.url} not found`),
	tls: {
		key: 'keyContent',
		cert: 'certContent',
		passphrase: 'Your passphrase if exists',

wobe.listen(3000, ({ hostname, port }) => {
	console.log(`Server running at https://${hostname}:${port}`)

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